Kjöt/fiskréttur: Kjúklingur, ofnbakaðar kartöflur, rauðvínssósa
Veganréttur: Linsubauna dahl, steikt tófú
Súpa dagsins: Aspassúpa
Ferskur og hollur salatbar – parmesan brauð
Kjöt/fiskréttur: Þorskur, kartöflugratín, hvítvínssósa
Veganréttur: Grænmetisbaka, kryddjurta dressing
Súpa dagsins: Mexíkó kjúklingasúpa
Ferskur og hollur salatbar – rósmarín brauð
Nauta enchiladas, sýrður rjómi, guacamole
Grænmetis enchiladas, vegan rjómi, guacamole
Brokkolí-cheddar súpa
Ferskur og hollur salatbar – sesambrauð
Kjöt/fiskréttur: Gratineruð ýsa í kókos-karrý sósu, hrísgrjón
Veganréttur: Rauðrófubuff, hrísgrjón, dill dressing
Súpa dagsins: Gulrótarsúpa
Ferskur og hollur salatbar – Pestóbrauð
Lambalærissneiðar í raspi, kartöflur, grænar baunir, rauðkál, piparsósa
Djúpsteikt blómkál, kartöflur, jalapeno mayo
Makkarónu tómatsúpa
Ferskur og hollur salatbar – Gulrótarbrauð
Meat/fish of the day: Chicken, potatoes, red wine sauce
Vegan course: Lentil bean dahl, tofu
Soup of the day: Asparagus soup
Fresh and healthy saladbar – parmesan bread, fresh out of the oven
Meat/fish of the day: Cod, potato gratin, white wine sauce
Vegan course: Vegetable quiche, herb dressing
Soup of the day: Mexico chicken soup
Fresh and healthy saladbar – rosemary bread, fresh out of the oven
Meat/fish of the day: Beef enchiladas, sour cream, guacamole
Vegan course: Vegetable enchiladas, vegan cream, guacamole
Soup of the day: Broccoli-cheddar soup
Fresh and healthy saladbar – sesame seed bread, fresh out of the oven
Meat/fish of the day: Gratin haddock in coconut – curry sauce, rice
Vegan course: Red beet patties, rice, dill dressing
Soup of the day: Carrot soup
Fresh and healthy saladbar – pesto bread, fresh out of the oven
Meat/fish of the day: Crumb coated lamb, potatoes, green beans, red cabbage, pepper corn sauce
Vegan course: Deep fried cauliflower, potatoes, jalapeno mayo
Soup of the day: Macaroon tomato soup
Fresh and healthy saladbar – carrot bread, fresh out of the oven